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African Union suspends Guinea's membership in the wake of Military coup

African Union suspends Guinea's membership in the wake of Military coup

The African Union (AU) has suspended Guinea in the wake of a coup after special forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya seized power on Sunday September 5, and arrested president Alpha Conde.

The coup has been condemned by regional leaders as well as the African Union, UN Secretary-General, ECOWAS and the US.

The regional bloc ECOWAS had already suspended Guinea and regional ministers have arrived in Conakry to talk to the junta about a return to constitutional order, BBC reports.

On Friday, the African Union (AU) followed suit, tweeting that it had decided "to suspend the Republic of Guinea from all AU activities and decision-making bodies."

Mediators from ECOWAS,  the 15-nation Economic Community of West African States -- also landed in the capital Conakry on Friday September 10, AFP journalists saw.

ECOWAS Commission President Jean-Claude Kassi Brou is part of the delegation, as are the Nigerian, Ghanaian, Burkinabe and Togolese foreign ministers.

The envoys met junta member Colonel Balla Samoura in a hotel in Conakry, according to a diplomat who requested anonymity, and are due to leave the city on Friday evening.

The US embassy in Conakry on Friday stated that Guinea should "immediately restore democracy.

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